Sunday, 3 April 2011

Hi, all

Was going to bring this to the meeting on 9th April but I'll be away so am posting it instead. I did the hand for ACT Textile Artists group but then attached it to a background for a 12" square challenge this year with the Yahoo group (Australia NZ Art Quilters)

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Gallery pieces

HI Guys, I thought I would show you a piece I did that was in the Watson Gallery 2010. it is 70 x 50cm basted on a canvas frame, so quite large, which is why I have not brought it to the group. the work is on batting which is painted and burnt then embellished, painted, sun bleached and layered. This is the sort of work that I enjoy. Giselle

Hi ...

... I'm here too - lol
Thanks for setting this up Buffy ...

hmmm ... I am not first to post, but I CAN be first to add a photo ;-)

This is part of the cover I made for my 2011 diary.
I even found one that should sort of complement the blog background - I think ...

oh - and in case anyone is wondering "who the heck is this 'Aykayem' person?"  and doesn't feel like wading through my blogger profile trying to find out ... and if you can't guess by the way I am waffling on - it's me - Andrea ;-)
Hi Buffy

You are very clever. It is a great idea to keep on chatting between meetings! Looking forward to seeing you all again soon. Bronnie x x


Hi, all Welcome to our new AQCa blog ... we can now share/ post etc in between meetings and keep up with each other : ) Cheers, Buffy